Life's Meaning...
Arts & Letters...
Max always had a
small talent for art but never really did anything with it...
(As usual, click on the pictures to
enlarge them ;-)
This is a sketch he
made at the age of 6...
At Phoenix College
in the early 70s, Max took a "Life Drawing" class...

Also in the early
70s, there was an annual Bathtub Boat race at San Diego's Mission Bay. Though he
never made the race, the following sketch was Max's proposed entry...

At the end of his
stint in the Air Force, Max moved from Cheyenne, Wyoming to Phoenix, Arizona
with a friend who went there to build race cars for a living (as well as warm up
from the Wyoming cold). While attending classes at Arizona State University, Max
would often spent make sketches of cars to help relieve the boredom of some of
the lectures.

Max was also interested in
While in college,
Max migrated from automotive technology to engineering to psychology and then
finally to industrial design. The following is a photo of one of his industrial
design class projects. It's sort of a marble game designed to test a students
ability to meet a customer's design requirements.

Whitman Elementary:
McLaren Elementary: 1st and 2nd grades
Mills Center Elementary: 3rd grade
Mills Town Hall: 4th grade
Mills Central Elementary: 5th grade
Sanford Elementary: 6th grade
Cady School: 7th grade
Northeast Junior High: 7th and 8th
Midland High: 10th grade
Meridian Senior High: 11th and 12th grades
Utah State University: Automotive
Delta College: General Studies... dropped
out when drafted
Phoenix College: Engineering, Psychology
Arizona State University: Psychology,
Industrial Design
Mesa Community College: Humanities class
to complete Associates Degree requirement and, later, some electronics courses.
Embry Riddle: Helicopter Design class
University of Phoenix: Business classes
As with most kids,
early entertainment consisted of playing with toys, brothers, friends and
cousins, mostly outside.
Neighbor, Terry Mashue and Max in Grandpa Bishop's Towsley Street yard with
tricycles and a pedal car.
As one of the earliest of
baby boomers families, we had TV. It's small round 7" screen insured that
Dad, Mom, Roger and I would remain a close family because we all had to sit so
close to it to watch. At first, only 3 channels were available, ABC, CBS and
NBC, but we could only get one of them (I don't remember which). For the first
several years, programming was limited to day time hours and all you saw late at
night and early in the morning was a test pattern...
...or "snow".
TV was
also not really reliable so Dad seemed to spend a lot of time tweaking knobs to
stop the roll or to straighten a crooked picture. Dad was also handy with a
soldering iron so replacing a tube or bad resistor or capacitor was not an
unusual event. Dad's acquired electronics skills were also useful in helping
friends and neighbors with their TV or radio problems. |
in the late 1940's, our first TV looked something like this.
After the first one died, the
next TV was not much bigger but it did have a rectangular screen and, if I
remember right, was a bit more reliable. By the time brother Randy was born, we
had acquired a second, bigger TV and we no longer had to squint to watch from a
distance. Favorite programs in the early 50s for us kids included Roy Rogers,
Hopalong Cassidy and The Lone Ranger. I also remember that Arthur Godfrey, I
Love Lucy, Amos & Andy and Red Skelton. Jackie Gleason, Milton Berle, Jack
Bennie , Ed Sullivan, Perry Como and George Gobel were also family
favorites. Later on in the 50s there was Dragnet, Walt Disney, Gunsmoke,
Wagon Train, Wanted: Dead or Alive, Cheyenne and The Rifleman. Just listing all
of those programs here after all these years is a reminder that there sure were
a lot of Westerns. So many Westerns that ran for so many years... I wonder
what that says about our 1950s values?
second TV looked something like this.
TV continued to be a
major source of entertainment as Max grew up but there was also bicycle riding
and 4H and Boy Scouts and camping and hunting and fishing and all sorts of other
entertaining things in his life...
 | The kids Max grew up
with were his schoolmates and neighbors. Although there was some occasional
animosity or bullying, he considered most as his friends. Even though he moved
from one school to the next fairly often, after he started riding the bus in the
third grade, Max was lucky to be with most of his friends all the way though
high school... Follow
the link for more... |
Money is a big part of all of our
lives. If you click on the money link above, this page shows how it has played a
part in my life...
Nostalgia Road...
FOOD STORES: In the 50s...
I remember the small IGA grocery store near the
corner of Eastman and
Bombay Roads. It had wood floors and the lay down water cooler with pop in it.
They butchered their own meat and would sell it wrapped in brown paper tied with
a string. They would also butcher animals for the local farmers for a fee.
If he got a deer, Dad would take it to the IGA to have it butchered as well. Us
kids didn’t like venison so Dad would have a few steaks cut for himself and,
to reduce the gamy taste, have the rest ground up and mixed with beef or pork to
make hamburger or sausage. I still didn’t like it much but when that was all
that was on the table, I ate… ;-)
I know there were more but the only types of stores I
remember in
were IGAs and Krogers. Except for meat, Mom and Dad did almost all of their
shopping at Krogers… I remember many payday Thursday nights sitting in
the '58 Ford station wagon at the Kroger parking lot with the other kids waiting
for what seemed like hours for Mom and Dad to finish shopping (it was probably
only half hour to an hour but it seemed longer to a kid ;-)
After we got a freezer, Dad would borrow money from the
credit union and buy half a beef and have it butchered by Grandma and
Grandpa’s neighbor lady on Towsley St. Mr. & Mrs. White converted
their unattached garage into a freezer and would hang the beef on a monorail
conveyer that went from the garage to a door in the back of the house and down
into the basement where the butcher shop was. I think they sold their meat for
about 30 cents a pound cut and wrapped. I doubt if anybody could or would
do that today.
The Benson Street Bridge, Midland, Michigan
Street, Midland, Michigan 2006
Sanford Elementary School on West
River Road in Sanford, Michigan 2006
The 4H Club had a monthly night at the
Roller Rink that only cost 50 cents. Max really had a good time there but
never did learn to skate backwards... |
Roller Skating Rink in Midland,
Michigan 2006
When Max was in the
9th grade, the school had a design contest for a large wall mural near the front
entrance. Max didn't enter
the contest but did participate, along with others in Mr. Hopfensberger's art
classes, in the assembly of the colored ceramic tile panels that workman would
later install on the wall with cement and grout.
Mural at Northeast Junior High School in
Midland, Michigan 2006
An student designed this mural. Over
the school year, other students in art classes cut and assembled the
colored tiles with glue in a reverse pattern on butcher paper. The butcher
paper was then cut in sections, installed on the wall with cement
and grouted by a contractor.
Meridian High School (now
Meridian Junior High) on Highway M-30 in Sanford, Michigan 2006
The summers of '63,
'64 and '65 were the best in Max's young life. He spent many summer days
on the beach and as many weekend summer nights as he could on and around the
concrete dance pad in front of the bandstand.
Francis Grove in
Sanford, Michigan 2006
About the time Max
became a teenager, his family had begun taking a weeks vacation each summer
camping in tents at the Little Wolf Lake campground near Lewiston,
Little Wolf Lake near Lewiston,
Michigan 2006
As I think Will
Rogers once said; "I'm not a member of any organized political party, I'm a
A little
this nation against illegal immigration since 1492

 | Abortion: There are too many people in the world.
I wish that people were more responsible and would use birth control but,
failing that, I am in favor of abortion in the first trimester for those who
could not or should not raise a child. Abortion in the second trimester
should only be for the health, both physical and mental, of the mother but I
would leave that decision to medical professionals. Abortion in the third
semester is bad and, except for the health and safety of the mother, should
not be allowed. I would go so far as to say, as soon as healthy baby is at
the point of a live and successful birth, abortion of that child should
subject both the mother and doctor to prosecution for a crime... |
 | Voting: I was
concerned about Vietnam at the time and I think I've voted in at least every
national election since 1968. |
Making Laws:
 | Making Judgments:
From personal history and experience, I have been right more often than
I have been wrong. I've learned to accept that ratio. |
 | Leading: I
have been a leader off and on for most of my life but I know my limitations.
As the oldest of seven kids, I've learned I can't handle supervision of too
many more people than that... |
The Constitution:
The Bill of Rights:
The World:
Any time with
friends is recreational
Building and
rebuilding airplanes
Computer surfing
 | As
a child, Max grew up assuming that there was a God and that he was good.
After learning a bit more about the world around him, Max became an agnostic.
But, when trying to learn how better to talk to his very Christian sister
Barbara, he began to study the Bible... After a bit too much study, he became an
atheist... |
"Reason and free inquiry are the only
effective agents against error. Give a loose to them, they will support the true
religion by bringing every false one to their tribunal, to the test of their
investigation. They are the natural enemies of error and error only. Had not the
Roman government permitted free inquiry, Christianity could never have been
introduced. Had not free inquiry been indulged at the era of the Reformation,
the corruption of Christianity could not have been purged away." Thomas
"I say quite deliberately that the Christian
religion, as organized in its churches, has been and still is the principal
enemy of moral progress in the world." [Bertrand Russell]
'What makes them so dangerous is that secular
Humanists look just like you and me. Some of them could be your best friends
without you knowing that they are Humanists. They could come into your house,
play with your children, eat your food and even watch football with you on
television, and you'd never know they have read Catcher in the Rye, Brave
New World, and Huckleberry Finn.... No one is safe until Congress
sets up an Anti-Secular Humanism Committee to get at the rot. Witnesses have to
be called, and they have to name names." Humorist, Art Buchwald,
"One man's religion is another man's belly
laugh." Robert A. Heinlein. Contributed by Larry Reyka.
 | "There is one notable thing about our
Christianity: bad, bloody, merciless, money-grabbing and predatory as it is
- in our country particularly, and in all other Christian countries in a
somewhat modified degree - it is still a hundred times better than the
Christianity of the Bible, with its prodigious crime- the invention of Hell.
Measured by our Christianity of to-day, bad as it is, hypocritical as it is,
empty and hollow as it is, neither the Deity nor His Son is a Christian, nor
qualified for that moderately high place. Ours is a terrible religion. The
fleets of the world could swim in spacious comfort in the innocent blood it
has spilt." Mark Twain, "Reflections on Religion"
 | "To
surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it
remains premature today." Isaac Asimov
 | "Man
is a Religious Animal. Man is the only Religious Animal. He is the only
animal that has the True Religion -- several of them. He is the only animal
that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat if his theology isn't
straight." Letters from the Earth_, Mark Twain
 | "In
spite of all the yearnings of men, no one can produce a single fact or
reason to support the belief in God and in personal immortality."
Clarence Darrow, The Sign, May 1938
Typical male... Yes
Work at what you must do for others as
long as you are able... Retire to work at what you want to do for yourself
as soon as you can...
As the oldest of seven kids, Max was expected
to be good babysitter so, through Jr. High and High School, he did that for
a few dollars a week.
In his High School years, Max also mowed a lot
of lawns and did a lot of yard work.
For a few days while at Utah State, Max picked
apples and potatoes.
In the summer of '65, Max helped to spray
insecticides and herbicides for Joe Hansen. When that work ran out, Max took
a job as a gas pump jockey at Harold Alexander's Bay Station on Saginaw Road
in Midland, Michigan.
Max Joined the Air Force and reported to the
induction center in Detroit on February 6th, 1966. After basic training in
San Antonio, Texas and Technical School in Rantoul, Illinois, Max served as
a Minuteman Missile Maintenance Technician in Cheyenne, Wyoming until his
release from service in December of 1969.
Max moved to Phoenix, Arizona and took a job as
a Cartographer (map maker) for Maricopa County in January of 1970 until he
left that job for Phoenix College in the fall of 1971.
During school breaks, Max worked again at the
county for two summers and then a third summer as a delivery van driver for
Dave Reiff Printing.
In 1975, Max left school to take a job as a
draftsman at a small airplane company called Varga Aircraft. He eventually
became the Engineering and Quality Control Manager and was Engineering
Manager when the doors to the factory closed in June of 1982.
 | After Varga Aircraft closed, Max was unemployed
until September of 1982, along with friend, Al Wilson, he started his
own metal fabrication business called "Tech Fab".
 | While still operating the fabrication business,
Max took a job as a Project & Process Engineer at Binswanger Mirror
Products in Chandler, Arizona until he left for McDonnell Douglas in Mesa,
Arizona, just before the Binswanger factory closed.
 | Max started a job as a simulator crew station
designer (title was Engineer/Scientist) at McDonnell Douglas Helicopters in
December of 1984.
 | At McDonnell Douglas, Max eventually became the
supervisor (Technical Area Chief) of a 10 person engineering team until, in
December of 1987, He moved to Montana to design and build small airplanes
again for a company called Montanair. After working 9 months to design and
build and fly a prototype airplane, it was decided by Montainair's owner
that the business climate was not right to go into production so Max
returned to McDonnell Douglas as a crew station designer in January of 1989.
 | Max was still a crew station designer when
McDonnell Douglas merged with Boeing in 1997, but in 2001
became the supervisor of Boeing Mesa's simulation facility maintenance team
where he remains today.
In memory of...
Other Things...