A Baby Boomer's Scrapbook |
Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view... ;-) Max is his own webmaster. If you have problems or suggestions to improve the way things work, please contact him at mbishop5@cox.net and he will do his best to change his errant ways...
Max's Meridian High School Graduation theme was; "Out of School Life, Into Life's School" but first we have to start with School Life...
And then there was... LIFE'S SCHOOL: ...on the job training for who, what and how to be... School Life was interesting and often fun but, in hindsight, Life's School came all to soon. Click on these words to read about Max's introduction to Life's School. Click on these words to see pictures of a happy summary of Max's Life School. (... and
the plan is
to continue the life and the story ad infinitum ;-) FAMILY ...
Much of his life has had to do with airplanes and, for 7 years from 1975 through 1982, Max worked at a small airplane factory in Chandler, Arizona called Varga Aircraft. After the factory closed, he continued working an playing with airplanes and eventually built his own.
This link will take you to stuff about some of Max's favorite people, places. things, words and thoughts.
...about life and how it is, or maybe should be, lived.
If you have anything to say or ask about what you see or read here (or find mistakes that need correcting), send Max an email at mbishop5@cox.net ...
Last updated on: 01/12/15 Number of visitors to this site